

Individual / Group Professional Supervision

In order for therapists to approach a family without becoming fully absorbed in its needs, they must create an alternative identity, distinct from their personal identity. It is the therapist’s identity, through which they observe themselves in action. I advise my trainees to imagine that on their left shoulder is standing a tiny little person, an elf, a copy of themselves, who is constantly in contact with them, saying “you do this, and they do that, this is what they reacted to…”. Thus, as therapists act and intervene, they also observe themselves doing so. Therefore, as a supervisor, the first step in supervision is for every therapist to create the little person that will enable them to simultaneously achieve proximity and maintain distance.

Salvador Minuchin, speaking at a two-day conference for the Laboratory’s 30th Anniversary

Στο Εργαστήριο πραγματοποιούνται συνεδρίες Εποπτείας τόσο ατομικά όσο και ομαδικά. Οι Επόπτες που συνεργαζόμαστε εντάσσονται στο Μητρώο Πιστοποιημένων  Εποπτών της Ελληνικής Εταιρείας Συστημικής Θεραπείας.