Family Therapy

Family Therapy2019-10-29T19:54:58+02:00

Family Therapy

I see more and more couples separating these days because people are expecting a lot from the couple and the family; I think that it is easier to accept the hardships of life when you have faith in religion, communism or something that gives you an ideal to fight for. When people don’t believe as strongly in something spiritual or in a purpose, they expect too much from daily life; they ask the best possible from themselves and a lot from others. And thus we have more and more couples divorcing, many of whom have children.

Mony Elkaim, speaking on LSHR’s 30th Anniversary.

Family therapy makes use of the whole family to help an individual member, child or adult, who at that particular moment in time manifests some serious symptom or difficulty in their personal development and interpersonal relationships.

As families evolve, they go through critical times when new circumstances require a change in the way members think, feel or relate to one another. The birth of a child or the loss of a job are examples of such periods of transition that carry risk and threat but also an opportunity for development. At such critical times, families either grow and grow up or they stumble and get stuck. Symptoms that arise may reflect the stress that results from being in such a situation.